Friday, October 28, 2016

US Presidential Election 2016 - Race to the White House

Presidential Election of US takes place in every 4 years. 2 heavy weight parties of US are Democratics & Republicans party. These 2 parties choose their presidential candidate, the person they think will be the best leader for the nation. The winning candidate then choose their vice presidential candidate. who is also known as the help supporter of campaign. After this both parties start their massive election campaign, they travel across the country. And this campaign cost huge money.

All 50 Us states and washington DC have a set number of "electors" in the Electoral College - roughly proportionate to the size of each state. The Electoral College system does usually reflect the popular vote - in the 52 election since 1804, The poplar mandate should achieved by 48 winners. 

There are 538 electors and to win a majority  and to become a president candidate needs 270 electors - half the total plus one. In the whole process of American Presidential election the members of House of Representative stand for the election in every 2 years. Each state of US represent district and each district there has 1 Representative. And the number of district depends on the population of each state. Americans technically vote for the electors, not the candidate themselves. The electors are state officials or senior party figures, but they are not usually named on the ballot. The number of electors each state gets is also equal to the number of state it has in the House of Representatives and the Senate. 
California is the largest state & it is so popular state of US. It has 55 electoral votes. And Alaska has small population & it only has 1 district therefore it has 1 Representative. According to electoral vote California is the biggest state. From 1900 to 2012 it was the state for Republicans party but after 2012 it become the state for the Democrats party. Population of US believed that victory of presidential election depends on Florida State. Electoral College votes of this state are 29%. And Florida State is known as swing states of US. 
The key for either party to win the election is to target specific battleground states. There has several swing states that over recent election have gone both ways. they hold the key to winning the election. The major swing state in 2016 are Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Other important states include Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Iowa, Miching, Nevada, Colorado and North Carolina. For the US election of 2016  Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump got the nominee for presidential election from  Democratics & Republicans party

Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State 2009 - 2013

Senator for New York 2001- 2009; First Lady 1993 - 2001
Age: 68
Party: Democratics
Edcation: Wellesley College and then Yale Law School
Campaign Slogan: Stronger Together I'm with her

Donald Trump

Chairman & President, Trump Association 2016 trump's first official foray into politics
Age: 70
Party: Republican
Education: University of Pennsylvania
Campaign slogan: Make America Great Again

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