Monday, October 31, 2016

Hallowe'en October 31- All Hallows' Day

Halloween is a constriction of all Hallows’ Evening. It is celebrated on the night of October 31. It is also known as Allhalloween. In Ireland it is known as Hallow Eve. It is also called as “Pooky Night” in some parts of the Ireland. In Maxico it is known as the Day of the Dead.

In UK, the pagan Celts celebrated the Day of the Dead on Halloween. People believe that on this day the Spirits supposedly rose from the dead and in order to attract them people left food on the door. To scare off the evil spirits, the Celts wore masks. Many European culture traditions hold that on the night of Halloween the spirit world can make contact with the natural world and when magic is most potent. And it usually happened on “Liminal” times of the year.

On this day activities include trick or treating, attending Halloween costume parties, craving pumpkins into-o-lanterns, playing pranks, visiting haunted attraction, telling scary stories and watching horror film. In medieval Europe, the Catholic clergy adopted local pagan customs and their adherents go from house to hose wearing costumes and requesting small gifts. According to the book of Halloween, some of the Celts wore devilish costumes so that wandering spirits would mistake them for one of their own and leave them alone. Others offered sweets to the spirits to appease them.

But the bible does not mention Halloween. However, both the ancient origins of Halloween and its customs show it to be a celebration based on false beliefs about the dead and invisible spirits or demons. The bible warns that “There must never be anyone among you who consults ghosts or spirits, or call up the dead”.

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